Could High-Performance Tyres Revolutionise Your Weekend Drive?

Posted on: 14 April 2020

If you've bought a sports car so that you can take advantage of the latest engineering and truly enjoy those weekend drives, then you may be thinking about how you can improve the experience. While you are perfectly happy with the power from the engine and the agility provided by the suspension, you're sure that there's something missing. It may be time for you to have a look at the tyres, and see if they are up to the job.


Car manufacturers tend to equip their vehicles for the average driver. They put a lot of effort into research and rely on feedback provided by former owners as they design and roll out each new product. Consequently, they may have equipped your car with "middle-of-the-road" tyres that will certainly cope with the performance but are not necessarily designed for the more ambitious driver. You may need to look at aftermarket covers that can provide you with more scope for improvement and suit your style of driving more effectively.

Careful Engineering

The best high-performance tyres on the market will have been engineered to provide you with exceptional handling capability. They will make the steering more precise and give you a lot more stability when you are powering around a corner with enhanced grip to make sure that they do not stray from the perfect line in any weather.

Always bear in mind that this type of tyre is not designed for long life, per se, but for performance first and foremost. You may have to replace them more often than a standard tyre, although you may be surprised how long they will last, even if you are a somewhat aggressive driver.

Touring Tyres

If you want to strike a compromise, then you can always look for tyres which are designed for high performance touring instead. These will offer you an enhanced level of performance, but it will also give you comfort and good tread wear.

Looking at Your Investment

Whatever tyre you buy, however, always pay attention to its condition, make sure that is correctly inflated and up to the task before you set out on your drive. Check the sidewalls and tread for any tears or the presence of any foreign object.

Making Your Choice

Always make sure that you buy a tyre that has been designed to work specifically with your make and model of vehicle. If you are not sure or want to investigate all the options available, get in touch with your local tyre supplier for their advice.

Contact a tyres shop for more information.
