Why You Should Customise Your Trailer to Perfectly Match a New Boat

Posted on: 29 April 2020

Many Australians decide to take up the sport of fishing, especially as most people live relatively close to a body of water. If you are the type of person who takes everything seriously, you may want to put even more effort into your new pastime. Now that you have ordered your boat, complete with all the accessories, you may want to move it from one place to another with consummate ease. Why do you need to put equally as much effort into the selection of your trailer?


While it is certainly possible for you to buy a trailer "off-the-shelf" and without any modification, you need to be sure that it is a perfect match for your new vessel. Boats come in all shapes and sizes, and it's never a good idea to compromise when it comes to safety and security on the road.

Gathering Information

Firstly, be sure that you have all the boat measurements when you talk to the supplier of your trailer. You will need to know the laden weight once you have added all the accessories so you can make sure that your towing rig is always legal.

Trailer Spec

You may have to consider a tandem axle trailer if the boat is on the large size, as this will help to distribute the weight more evenly and put much less stress on the towing hitch. Make sure that the stern of the boat does not overhang the back of the trailer too much. This would definitely affect the stability of the rig and could even break the towing hitch. Conversely, make sure that you overhang just enough so that the outboard motor is free of any obstruction.

Suspension Upgrade

If you like to explore and fish in quieter areas, then you may need to drive along tricky and narrow trails to some hidden locations. In this case, you might need to upgrade the suspension, fit risers or choose different wheels and tyres. Still, this type of modification is very complex, and you will need to pay a lot of attention to the centre of gravity. The towing rig must be stable at all times, even if you have adjusted the trailer ride height to take into account uneven ground.


Always pay close attention to safety and ensure that you carefully configure the trailer to handle your new boat. Talk with your trailer supplier, and they will be able to get the ball rolling.
