Three Core Guidelines for Monitoring and Maintaining Automobile Hoses

Posted on: 12 May 2020

The hoses installed in vehicles are resilient and durable. However, they are vulnerable to damage. In simple terms, these components are exposed to hostile operating conditions which can cause deterioration. Moreover, the hoses are designed to handle diverse fluids such as coolant, brake fluid and power steering fluid. These fluids can be corrosive, hot or cold, causing accelerated hose wear. Therefore, if you would like to ensure that your vehicle operates at optimal levels, you must maintain the components. Here are simple tips for monitoring your hoses and promoting better auto performance.

Inspect for Leaks

You should check your vehicle for leaks. Leaks could indicate damage to the hosing. If this type of issue is left unmanaged, your car could fail due to common problems like overheating and excessive friction. Under ideal circumstances, a leaky hose can be identified by checking the tubing. However, this is not often possible except when the damage to the hose is quite significant. Most leaks are slow, making direct detection difficult. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor the fluid levels in the tanks or reservoirs. If there are inexplicable declines, consult a car service.

Check for Cracks

Cracking is not an uncommon problem for automobile hoses. In general, these components are manufactured using rubber which is a long-lasting material. However, the rubber degrades in adverse environments. For instance, hoses often fail due to corrosion by acidic fluids or damage by contaminants in the fluid. Electrochemical degradation is also a factor in hose wear. In addition, the fluctuating temperature in a vehicle, especially a poorly maintained one, can accelerate the deterioration of rubber, causing cracking. It is prudent to conduct regular inspections of the hoses in your car. Look for nicks and fissures on the surface of the hoses. It is also worthwhile to ensure that there is no significant fraying at the endpoints of the hosing.

Test the Pliability

Automotive hoses should be pliable and flexible. These are important properties because they facilitate easy installation of the tubing in limited space. In addition, the soft rubber minimises the effect of vibrations when conveying the fluid from one vehicle unit to another. If a hose loses its pliability, it will become inflexible and brittle. Consequently, it will not function as expected. Moreover, the tubing might fail unexpectedly when driving, leading to an inconvenient breakdown or even a serious motor accident.

If you find damaged hoses in your vehicle, consult a qualified car service professional for immediate component replacement to prevent mishaps.
