Typical Maintenance Checks Performed When You Take Your Car For Air Conditioning Service

Posted on: 1 December 2020

A car's air conditioning system is one of the key components that improve the vehicle's comfort. It helps to ensure a comfortable ride for the driver and passengers by regulating the temperature inside the car. When temperatures of a car's interior increase, the AC extracts heat from the indoor air and dissipates it away. The cool air is then recirculated in the car's cabin through the air vents, providing a nice cooling effect for the people travelling in the vehicle.

Like many other parts of your car, the AC system requires proper maintenance to keep serving you well. Regularly having yours checked by an auto AC professional can help ensure safe, efficient and reliable cooling performance. 

Below are some of the typical maintenance tasks that are performed during car air conditioning servicing.

Checking Refrigerant Level

Refrigerant is the working fluid that your car's AC system uses to cool your vehicle's interior. It absorbs heat from the warm air inside your car and helps to dissipate it away, leaving your car interior cool and comfortable for everyone's enjoyment. As it works to fight the heat, refrigerant transitions from a liquid to a gas and back again.

While your car AC's closed system of refrigeration is meant to keep the refrigerant in a sealed and pressurised state, leaks can occur within the system, resulting in the loss of refrigerant. Refrigerant loss hurts the performance of the AC system, increases energy bills, and may cause health problems.

During car air conditioning service, the technician working on your car will check your refrigerant level to establish if your AC system has sufficient working fluid to keep functioning properly. A low refrigerant level is an indication that your AC may be losing refrigerant through leaks. Any leaks within the system will need to be sealed before refrigerant is added so your AC can run at its peak again.

Inspecting AC Components for Potential Damage

Your AC system is made up of several components that can get worn-out as you put more miles on your car. Some of the AC components you may need to replace over time include the following:

  • Compressor
  • Evaporator coils
  • Condenser coils
  • Air filter
  • Blower motor
  • Thermal expansion valve
  • Capacitors

An auto AC technician can help you identify, remove and replace any faulty parts that may be preventing your cooling system from working at its best.

Cleaning the Entire AC System

Dust and dirt can build up on the internal components of your car AC system and affect its performance and life. During car AC service, your entire cooling equipment will get a good cleaning to remove any dirt that accumulates where you can't reach.  

Contact an auto AC technician near you to schedule your car AC service.
